are the heart
of the STAGES model.
Our assessments are the only scientifically validated way to measure one's center of gravity along a 12-stage developmental scale of maturity of human consciousness (also called meaning-making maturity or ego development).
For individuals:
Why would I take a STAGES assessment?
Do you see yourself as continuously growing in maturity?—as having the potential to become ever wiser throughout your life? Each person is wonderfully unique, yet empirical studies have uncovered some general principles describing how people mature in their understanding of themselves and their world—what has been called the development of perspective-taking or the evolution of consciousness. Years of experience have shown that our assessments, coaches, and courses uplift the human mind and spirit. We would love to help you deepen your self-understanding, life satisfaction, and sense of purpose.
One's life journeys and projects benefit from having a good map or blueprint to guide the way. If you understand the blueprint of how consciousness grows, you can build a much richer life. The STAGES model (or matrix) offers a powerful framework to guide personal growth and navigate your challenges. It is the latest evolution in a lineage of scientifically validated theories of human development that can bring deep insight to self-understanding—about your strengths, learning edges, and ultimate potential. People use STAGES to bring richness and transformation to relationships and parenting, work and leadership, and wisdom or spiritual growth…you can focus your inquiry to inspire any aspect of your life.
The STAGES model is unique in how it speaks holistically to health at all levels of the human being, and supports growing up, waking up, and cleaning up. A STAGES assessment not only locates your developmental center of gravity, but our written Report and personal Debrief sessions lead to rich conversations about your unique life situation in terms of your aspirations, leading edge skills, and psychological shadows. Many use STAGES to guide ongoing learning, counseling, or coaching experiences.

For Professionals:
What can STAGES assessments do for my clients?
If you are a therapist, counsellor, coach, or consultant STAGES assessments can help you offer deep and transformative insights for your individual clients. STAGES is also used in professional/organizational contexts such as leadership development, strengthening teams, executive coaching, and organizational consulting. And if you are interested in the interplay between the personal / psychological / spiritual / ethical and the organizational / systemic, you are definitely right at home with STAGES. You or your organization can collaborate with certified STAGES practitioners in our network, or we can provide training to empower you to apply the STAGES model to any context.
Unlike many self-rated fixed-choice assessments, STAGES assessments are psychometrically validated and based on a deep and wide lineage of scholarship (more on that here). STAGES assessments are analyzed and debriefed by certified STAGES scorers, who have undergone a rigorous year-long training and passed stringent inter-rater performance tests. As we accumulate data on human development, we sponsor ongoing research into the human condition that supports a continuous evolution of the STAGES model. (See our Assessment Terms & Conditions.)
More info for Professionals
Types of STAGES Assessments
We offer many variations on sentence completion assessments.

Standard Assessment
36 items, with Report and 60 minute Debrief. The personalized Report includes analysis for leading edge, trailing edge and shadow, state/stage, patterns and themes (in four categories: interiors, actions, relationships, and systems orientation), and recommended practices.Â

Leadership Assessment
The Leadership Assessment has 36 stems specialized for organizational insights and leadership development. The assessment includes a Report and 60 minute Debrief.

Premium Assessment Package
 For those who want to take the Standard or Leadership assessment and be scored and debriefed by founder Terri O’Fallon (comes with a 90 minute debrief).

Have a team you feel can develop greatly but you don’t yet know the means to that greatness? Need to strategically grow your own capability to meet these dynamic times? Have you seen your own perspective grow, or is it limited, but you don’t know why? I’ve used the STAGES/MAP as the CEO of a $750MM company, to grow my own capacity and our senior team to meet VUCA complexity as our Business expanded to achieve the complex adaptations we needed to grow personal and business vitality. It works in ways unimaginable. Do it.
David Ford
Former CEO, CareOregon
How do I purchase an Assessment?
You can purchase some assessments directly from us at STAGES International (and we assign the scorer/debriefer), or you can purchase an assessment package through a STAGES-trained coach, counsellor, therapist or consultant.
German Assessments!
NEW: Leadership Assessment as well as Standard Comprehensive Assessment Available Now!
Assessment Basics
The Sentence Completion Inventory
STAGES vs. other Assessments
Assessment Procedure — What to Expect
What's next?
Other STAGES Assessment Products/Services
Assessment Terms & Conditions

There are many wonderful approaches to understanding human development and the evolution of meaning-making. But forced to choose one, I would give my recommendation to the STAGES assessment and the team at STAGES International. Their grasp of identity growth over the lifespan is unmatched in both the psychological and spiritual dimensions. Further, their model is deeply grounded in the work of Ken Wilber and Integral Theory, while extending and sharpening those insights in novel and impressive ways. Whether you are seeking a professional-level understanding of how people change over time, or a personal assessment to guide your own growth-process, the STAGES approach will serve you deeply.
Mark Forman PhD
Author, A Guide to Integral Psychotherapy
As a founding member of the Integral Institute, a founding teacher at the Integral Spiritual Center and as a part of the STAGES research team it is clear to me that in unparalleled ways STAGES honors, weaves together, and builds on Ken Wilber’s integral theory and the work of Jane Loevinger and Susanne Cook-Greuter on stages of human development. Through STAGES, Dr. Terri O’Fallon has developed the cutting edge theoretical and practical approach to provide the world the best means yet to understand, measures and pursue the interrelated quest of growing up and waking up into the highest reaches of human potential.
John Kesler
I have been working with the MAP/STAGES model for many years and find the assessments and underlying theory to be invaluable in working with leaders to better understand themselves and improve their effectiveness. When leaders understand their center of gravity and can assess others, they are able to modulate their leadership approach and communication style to resonate with those being led. This understanding and ability to adjust can significantly improve the leader’s ability to deliver against the organization’s mission.
Maureen Metcalf
CEO, Metcalf & Associates, Inc.
Have a team you feel can develop greatly but you don’t yet know the means to that greatness? Need to strategically grow your own capability to meet these dynamic times? Have you seen your own perspective grow, or is it limited, but you don’t know why? I’ve used the STAGES/MAP as the CEO of a $750MM company, to grow my own capacity and our senior team to meet VUCA complexity as our Business expanded to achieve the complex adaptations we needed to grow personal and business vitality. It works in ways unimaginable. Do it.
David Ford
Former CEO, CareOregon