Your Developmental Journey with STAGES Starts Here.
Unlock your full potential.
Use the STAGES model to understand
the development of your own consciousness.

STAGES Roadmap
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Inquire into "Who am I now?" along your developmental journey.
The STAGES matrix helps you understanding your strengths, unhealthy shadows, and emergent growing edges. We can help you understand the confusions and growing pains that can arise in developmental transformations.
Use our courses and assessments to deepen your life experience.
The Roadmap gives you an introduction to STAGES, the most sophisticated map of the development of human consciousness yet available. Continue the journey though our courses, assessments, and coaching/consulting practitioners.
Developmental growth in all directions.
At STAGES we emphasize the deepening, releasing, and "homecoming" process of becoming psychological healthy and vibrant in all levels of your being. It's not about a race to the top. It's about healing and loving what is, holistically.
Hello, I'm Terri O'Fallon.
Terri is a researcher, teacher, coach, spiritual director, and designer of transformative containers committed to ongoing research on the integral STAGES developmental model.
Terri is a founder of STAGES International, which creates programs based on the STAGES model.
Terri holds a master’s degree in Special Education in Spiritual direction and an Integral Ph.D. in Transformative Learning and Change. She is internationally recognized as a leader in developmental theory and has taught classes and given conference presentations on the STAGES model worldwide.