STAGES Debriefing Certification Program


Study with Jason Harrison to become a Certified STAGES Debriefer.


“I love the opportunity to sit with another and explore their developmental journey and trajectory. For me, debriefing is a chance to explore the myriad roles that are being played and offer curiosity, nudges and guidance to support the gentle unfurling of the soul within.” — Jason


Six month online course.



This 6 month intensive program offers you the opportunity to become a Certified STAGES Debriefer. Learn how to support your clients to make sense of their developmental journey using the STAGES assessment. Join a community of STAGES practitioners and grow your development business. 

 Please join our mailing list to receive updates about this course.


What’s debriefing all about?

STAGES is a rich resource that is best digested in company! Debriefing provides a powerful opportunity to support a client in receiving, exploring and unpacking the depths of their STAGES assessment. Being able to offer your clients a professionally supported debrief allows them to more fully embrace their current developmental stage, and have a richer understanding of who they’ve been and who they are becoming.

Debriefing is not the same as coaching or counseling. It offers clients a space to be seen in all of their rich developmental history, and offers information and insights to support their current developmental processes. STAGES debriefing is about weaving together three different strands of observation and understanding - the client’s view of themselves, your view of them in the session, and the information in the assessment. Debriefing is about integrating these different aspects into a whole that the client feels grounded and resourced within, ready for whatever is unfolding. 

Some clients describe feeling more settled or grounded as a result of the debrief, or how it opened up a new story for them to expand into, or even "the moment everything came together."

Who’s the course for? 

Debriefing can be a beautiful complement to your existing client work and allows you to offer even more value to your development clients. Our expectation is that you are a currently practicing development practitioner in some form - a coach, or counselor, therapist, or facilitator. As part of the program certification process, you will need to source your own debriefing client.

Debriefing is an advanced level qualification and focuses on the skills and strategies required to offer a professional debrief. The course assumes a good level of understanding about the STAGES model and the qualities of different stages of development. Because of this, participants will be expected to have completed two out of four of the following STAGES courses by the time the course begins: The Three Questions, Developmental Gifts & Confusions (both available in STAGES online store,) STAGES Essentials, or Shadow-into-Soul. 


As part of the program, you’ll work with peers to practice your debriefing skills. As part of this work, you’ll be expected to share your STAGES assessment that has been scored within the last three years.


What’s the program?

Over the 6 months, you’ll learn how to conduct a one hour STAGES debrief for clients at different stages of development. The program follows a simple Learn-Do-Review cycle, with each month offering a 90 min teaching webinar, followed by you practicing the debriefing steps, submitting your video & transcripts, and then receiving feedback. Work with different people every month to expand your experience of debriefing different stages of development. Learn how the STAGES system works and how to sign up a new client for a debrief - you’ll need to find your own client to do the final certification debrief with.

The 6 month certification program includes:

– 7 hours of teaching webinars (4 x 90 mins + 1 x 60)
– Monthly debriefing practice and teacher feedback
– Peer working to support your learning
– Program participant online Q&A space
– Final debrief 1:1 support session
– Final video assessment and certification review
– Listing in the online STAGES Practitioner Directory as a certified STAGES debriefer upon successfully passing the program

Potential participants are invited to a 45 min information session to share the key elements of the program and answer any questions. This session will be held on January 16 at 12 PM MST. Please join STAGES Mailing List to receive information about the call.

What's the Price?

USD 4,500

– access to course materials and online space
– final client STAGES assessment costs


What's it like to be a STAGES Debriefer?

The power of the debrief starts with what happens when the client shares their story, which is often a touching process of profound discovery... Seeing their journey, how this has shaped them, being understood as they are and what is possible with a precision that comes from the STAGES map. The joy for me is these are breakthrough conversations, incredibly personal, getting to the heart of whatever it might mean for clients to live a life of increasing awareness of self, others, and our interconnected world.

The STAGES Debriefing conversation is a particularly special kind of coaching dialogue. The STAGES Assessment creates a context rich with nuanced insights into the clients personal frames, challenges, and opportunities. These openings create an opportunity to go deep and discover leverage for healing and growth in exceptionally short order. Inherent in the debriefing dialogue are each of the three times (past, present, and future), as the content of the assessment is inherently backwards looking, drawn from present perspective taking, and opens a view to the developmental road ahead. These conversations are always lively and leave the client with real hands-on material to carry forward.


What's it like to get a STAGES Debrief?

“The STAGES assessment debrief was profoundly personal. I got a new understanding of me. Now I have a self-confidence I didn’t know I was lacking, for example the angst I have had feels more positive. It was liberating to have my feelings and my ways of seeing myself and the world identified. I am excited about more to come. I am on a journey, and capable of continuing the journey. This is my life now – it was not the case previously. The assessment and debrief was a gift, it has shown me a pathway.”

“The STAGES debrief enabled me to diagnose my imposter syndrome. I don’t feel so emotionally put off balance by other people, I try to understand their perspective and I am trying to help other people do the same. This helps me find my voice, speak up, say what I think, create my own identity. Believing in who I am, and finding myself in my actions, helps me be confident in dealing with change, trying to shift the way we all work and create an environment where we are all ourselves, learn from each other, work well together, and think outside the box to thrive.”

About Jason Harrison


Iā€™m a psychologically trained coach and enjoy helping people notice and clear away the blocks to their personal and professional growth. Iā€™ve been coaching for over 20 years, and have a pragmatic approach toĀ peopleā€™s development. Iā€™m also a single dad of 3 young men who are an endless source of inspiration and perspiration! They offer me millions of moments to relax into chaos and I am lucky to play a part in their transformations.

Iā€™ve been a developmental practitioner for over a decade, and have trained and worked with Terri Oā€™Fallon for over 6 years now. Iā€™m a STAGES certified Scorer, Debriefer and Coach and am a member of the STAGES Advisory Board.